Here are upcoming Mass times intentions for Holy Rosary Church in Flint, Michigan:
MONDAY, November 7th
TUESDAY, November 8th
8:30 a.m. Mass: Pamela Corcoran (5th Ann.) by Terry & Kim Edwards
and Paul Crist by Ed and Marilyn Crist
WEDNESDAY, November 9th The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
5:30-6:30 p.m. Confessions
6:30 p.m. Mass: Carol Horning by Dick Klapko
and Geraldine Karl by Alan Karl
THURSDAY, November 10th
St. Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church
FRIDAY, November 11th St. Martin of Tours, Bishop
8:30 a.m. Mass: Kim Huber by Duane & Melinda Burnash
and Carol Horning by Claude & Sally Green
SATURDAY, November 12th
St. Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr
8:30 a.m. Mass: Joseph Osika by the Flood Family
9-10:00 a.m. Confessions
6:00 p.m. Mass: Lila Burnash
and the Conversion of Sinners by Terry & Kim Edwards
SUNDAY, November 13th Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:30 a.m. Rosary
9:00 a.m. Mass: John Michalik by Children & Grandchildren
Carol Horning and the People of Holy Rosary Parish by Shirley Pincumbe
Original source can be found here