Here are upcoming Mass times intentions for St. Clare of Montefalco Parish - Grosse Pointe Park, MI:
Monday, 4/18/2022
Devotion toour Ladyof PerpetualHelp
8:00 AM + Josephine Buhagiar
+ Barbara Shaheen
Tuesday, 4/19/2022
Devotion toSt. Michaelandthe Angels
6:30 PM + Larry Keelan
+ Mary Rose Weckerle
Wednesday, 4/20/2022 - School Mass
8:15 AM + Paul Schulte
Thursday, 4/21/2022
8:00 AM For the intentions of Daniel Marino
Friday, 4/22/2022
Divine Mercy Chaplet
8:00 AM For all those on our parish prayer list
Saturday, 4/23/2022
4:00 PM + Patricia McKeever
+ Nettie Owen (65th anniversary)
Sunday, 4/24/2022
9:00 AM + David Heike
+ Felicia Niedtala
(birthday remembrance)
+ Daniel Andriaschko
11:00 AM + Lillian Klykylo
+ Phyllis McDevitt
St. Clare Parishioners
The full bulletin for the coming week can be found here.