
ST. ANDRE' BESSETTE CATHOLIC CHURCH: Mass Intentions for the Week of April 17


Press release submission Apr 15, 2022


Here are upcoming Mass times intentions for St. Andre' Bessette Catholic Church in Ecorse Michigan:

Saturday, April 16 - Holy Saturday Easter Vigil

7:00 pm - St. André Bessette

+Robert Lewis Hellar

7:00 pm - St. Mary Magdalen

People of our Parish

7:00 pm - Ss Andrew & Benedict

People of our Parish

Sunday, April 17 - Easter Sunday

9:30 am - St. André Bessette

+John & Virginia Gumela

+Isaias Contreras

10:00 am - St. Mary Magdalen

+Michael Fiore +Anthony Fiore

+Violetta Oribello

11:30 am - Ss Andrew & Benedict

+Floyd T. Juarez

11:30 am - St. Andre Bessette

+Ernesto Torres +Rosaura Esparza

+Guillermina Milete

Monday ~ April 18

9:00 am Mass - St. Mary Magdalen

+Rick Knebusch

Tuesday ~ April 19

9:00 am Mass - St. Mary Magdalen

+Carlos Orozco, Jr.

9:00 am Mass - St. Andre Bessette

For peace within all nations

Wednesday ~ April 20

9:00 am Mass - Ss Andrew & Benedict

For our elderly, sick and homebound

Thursday ~ April 21

9:00 am Mass - Ss Andrew & Benedict

For those experiencing pain –physically & emotionally

Friday ~ April 22

9:00 am Mass - St. Andre Bessette

+Fernando Jose Contreras, Jr.

Special Intentions of Mary Moroz

Saturday, April 23

7:00 pm - St. André Bessette

+Basil and Julie O’Connor +Noreen Tiberia

+Paul Towe

7:00 pm - St. Mary Magdalen

+Carl Bargardi +Richard Hanes

+Michael Fiore +Anthony Fiore

+Violetta Oribello

7:00 pm - Ss Andrew & Benedict (Spanish)

+Juanita Jimenez

Sunday, April 24

9:30 am - St. André Bessette

+John & Virginia Gumela

+Gloria Sosa +Faustina B Sosa

+Robert Munoz

10:00 am - St. Mary Magdalen

+Michael Fiore +Anthony Fiore

+Violetta Oribello

11:30 am - Ss Andrew & Benedict

+Maria Manuela Torres +Anna Yurcak

+Gregorio and Martina Borsos

11:30 am - St. Andre Bessette

+Ernesto Torres +Rosaura Esparza

+Gloria Sosa +Faustina B Sosa

+Robert Munoz

The full bulletin for the coming week can be found here.

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St. Andre' Bessette Catholic Church In Ecorse Michigan

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