Here are upcoming Mass times intentions for St. Pio of Pietrelcina Parish in Roseville, MI:
Saturday, April 2,
4:00 pm †Hannelore & Walter Mulak
(Edward Ochylski)
†Peter Cooper (Alice Cooper)
Peace in the Ukraine
Sunday, April 3, 9:00 am
†Edmund Adamczyk (Parish Family)
†Edward Ochylski
(Edward Ochylski Jr.)
†Anna & Barbara Wajdziak
(Czech Family)
†Ray & Barbara Wisniewski
(Czech Family)
†Gerald Wisniewski (Czech Family)
†Cindy Thibodeau
(Roy & Nancy Fricano)
Sunday, Aril 3,
11:00 am†Dr. & Mrs. S.T. Nichols
(Edward Ochylski)
†Jennifer Elias (Family)
†Vera Lottholz (Eva & Mike Joy)
†Antonio Domenicucci
(Catrina Domenicucci)
Monday, April 4,
9:00 am Those affected by Covid including First
Responders and the Medical
Community (Michael Pockey)
Tuesday, April 5, 9:00 am
†All souls lost to cancer, corona virus,
and war, and those who cared for them
(Michael Pockey)
Thursday, April 7,
9:00 aM †All souls lost to cancer, corona virus,
and war, and those who cared for them
(Michael Pockey)
†Daniel Japalucci (Japalucci Family)
†Andrew & Mary Dorko
(Japalucci Family)
Friday, April 8,
9:00 am †Paul Rodman (Family)
†Elinor Pockey & Familyl
(Michael Pockey)
Michael & Douglas Pockey-Health and
Saturday, April 9,
4:00 pm †Albert Nuemaier (Edward Ochylski)
Darlene Hetzel-3rd Anniversary of
return to church
An End to the Ukraine War
(Darlene Hetzel)
An End to Abortion (Darlene Hetzel)
Sunday, April 10,
9:00 am †Ted Oleyniczak (Edward Ochylski)
†Tom Cusumano (Rosalie Cusamano)
The full bulletin for the coming week can be found here.