St. Valentine Church in Kawkawlin, MI
Here are upcoming Mass times intentions for St. Valentine Church in Kawkawlin, MI:
Saturday, Jan. 1 Solemnity of Mary
10:00 a.m. (L) †Donald Ballor
4:15 p.m. (L) Vigil: Epiphany of the Lord Living & Deceased Members of Prince of Peace Parish
Sunday, Jan. 2 Feast of the Holy Family
8:15 a.m. (K) †Terry Ratajczak †Warren Mier
10:15 a.m. (L) †Floyd & Delores Bedell
Monday, Jan 3 Weekday
Tuesday, Jan. 4 Weekday
9:00 a.m. (L) †Kenneth Musser
Wed., Jan. 5 Weekday
7:00 p.m. (L) †Florence Loyer
Thurs. Jan. 6 Weekday
9:00 a.m. (L) †Tom Pero
Friday, Jan. 7 Weekday
Saturday, Jan. 8
Vigil: Baptism of the Lord
10:00 a.m. (L) †Norm & Jim Bates
†Victor Szafranski
Sunday, Jan. 9 Baptism of the Lord
8:15 a.m. (K) Living & Deceased Members of Prince of Peace Parish
10:15 a.m. (L) †Lyle & Rosemary Wackerle Family
The full bulletin for the coming week can be found here.