Fr. Chris Maus of Saint Thomas a'Becket Catholic Church recently appealed to the congregation to give as they are able for the annual Catholic Services Appeal, which was delayed this fall due to COVID-19. | Shvets Anna/Pexels
With interruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the annual Catholic Services Appeal that usually takes place in May is happening now.
Father Chris Maus of Saint Thomas a'Becket Catholic Church in Canton appealed to his congregation to see it not only as an opportunity to contribute to archdiocesan programming, but also to help the parish raise needed funds.
The Archdiocese of Detroit has set the fundraising goal for Saint Thomas a'Becket at $183,097, Maus said in the church's Sept. 13 bulletin. This is a 15% reduction over what would normally be asked of the parish, which was done in recognition of the hardships many are facing as a result of the pandemic.
Maus noted that pledges can either be made as a one-time donation or in installments throughout the year.
“I am asking each household to consider a gift of $350 this year. If you can afford to give more, it is greatly appreciated,” Maus said. “If we do not reach our targeted amount this year, the shortfall must be paid to the [Archdiocese of Detroit]. In these days of COVID and a decline in revenue, our budget is very tight this year.”
WIth overall contributions in decline and many unable to give this year, Maus urged that it is all the more important for those who have been financially blessed to give more if they can.
Despite the current economic hardships faced both by the Church and many of those in the congregation, Maus noted that he is still hopeful Saint Thomas a'Becket could even exceed the target for this year.
“This year we will use any excess funds over our target to supplement our offertory shortfall,” Maus said. “Your continued generosity will help us raise the needed funds to provide the parish with a little bit of a financial cushion to fund our current ministerial endeavors during this present fiscal year.”