Young people playing Dungeons & Dragons | YouTube
Aquinas College recently announced a Dungeons & Dragons Camp scheduled for Monday, Aug. 3 through Thursday, Aug. 6.
The registration deadline was on July 15, but the camp is still receiving applications on a case-by-case basis. The event starts each day at 9 a.m. and games will go until 4 p.m.
"Greetings, Travelers," the invite begins. "Prepare for an adventure of epic proportions. AC's 'Masters' will guide you to create your own unique fantasy universe, bring to life characters and monsters, and ultimately lead other adventurers through dramatic encounters of their own design."
Each camper may bring their copy of the Players Handbook. The invite says that campers can get the book from or from other bookstores in their area. The cost per camper is $300.
For more information, contact camp director Dr. Ian Borton by email at or by calling 616-632-2121.